What to read/look at whilst listening to these instrumentals? Why, take a gander at the gams on this website (makes wolf whistle): "Decedent History," a site of particular interest to those in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, but any dedicated sleaze-ologist worth his/her weight in tassels should find it fascinatingly filthy fun.
Listening to a burlesque show?! Who'd want to do that? Well, for starters, the millions who bought David Rose's bump-n-grind big band instrumental, "The Stripper," a record that went to #1 on the American charts in 1962. Which of course, lead to records released designed to cash in on Rose's success, inc. 2 albums by Rose himself, "The Stripper," and "More! More! More! of the Stripper," both of which are in print.
So yes, one of today's albums does indeed include a cover of "The Stripper," but these records weren't just cash-ins. "Bald" Bill Hagan & His Trocaderons were an actual burlesque show band that performed at Philadelphia's still extant Trocadera Theater, tho nowadays it's a concert venue. The music is mostly the kind of Dixieland jazz played as a slow grind that typifies burlesque music, but also dips into rock'n'roll ("The G-String Twist"), and psuedo-Middle Eastern belly-dance exotica ("Erotic Fantasy" is a version of that exotic antiquity "Song of India"), another common style found wherever 'torso tossers' were found strutting down 'varicose alley' (aka: the runway.) And compared to Rose's studio slickness, these fun records sound a little more raw and loose - probably closer to what it actually sounded like at joints like the "Troc". The recording dates would seem to put these at the tail-end of the original burly-q era.
Both albums recorded from vinyl. The first one starts off a bit scratchy, during the MC intro/phony applause effects, but improves. Va-va-voom!
Bald Bill Hagan And His Trocaderons - Music To Strip By (1966)
Bald Bill Hagan And His Trocaderons - Music For A Strip Tease Party (1967)
Music To Strip By:
A1 | A Pretty Girl Is Like A Melody | |
A2 | Bumps And Grinds | |
A3 | Frankie And Johnny | |
A4 | G-String Twist | |
A5 | Temptation | |
A6 | Night Train | |
B1 | The Stripper | |
B2 | Party Time | |
B3 | Bedroom Blues | |
B4 | Second Honeymoon | |
B5 | Girdles Aweigh | |
B6 | My Heart Belongs To Daddy |
A1 | I'm In The Mood For Love | |
A2 | Stripper's Delight | |
A3 | Erotic Fantasy | |
A4 | C Cup Blues | |
A5 | Vampin' And Campin' | |
B1 | A Good Man Is Hard To Find | |
B2 | Fascination | |
B3 | Koochie Galore | |
B4 | Cha Bump | |
B5 | Makin' Whoopee |